Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Kansas City, MO
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Kansas City, MO
Project Description:
Facility Dynamics Engineering provided commissioning services to this $135 million premier art institution. The project included renovations to the existing museum building and central plant, and construction of a new building adjacent to the existing museum. Cooling is by chilled water from the central plant; heating is via hot water converted from central plant steam at each building. Space environmental control in the existing museum is by variable air volume (VAV) air distribution supplied from air handling equipment located in individual mechanical rooms. Space environmental control in the new museum building includes a combination of VAV and constant volume (CV) air distribution systems with air handling equipment located in mechanical rooms. Gallery and art spaces are conditioned by CV air handling units with zone reheat and humidification, and supply air for the air handling units is via outside air enthalpy recovery units. The building also has a clean steam system to supply air handler humidifiers.
Systems Commissioned include:
HVAC Systems
Air Handling Units
Fan Coil Units
Variable Air Volume Terminal Units
Exhaust Systems
Heat Exchangers
Cooling Towers
Unit Heaters
Pressurization Systems
Building Automation System
Electrical Systems
Emergency Power Generators
Lighting Controls