Facility Dynamics Engineering's Performance And Continuous Re-commissioning Analysis Tool (PACRATTM) defines a new class of software program. PACRAT is the heart of a truly effective continuous commissioning program that utilizes recorded system operational data to improve facility operations and planning. PACRAT serves four basic functions: 1) diagnoses system problems and poor performance and identifies energy wastes; 2) documents important system operational parameters such as loads, energy use, indoor air quality (IAQ), etc.; 3) sets a new standard for Monitoring and Verification of energy uses; and 4) summarizes and formats the data for effective visualization. Through this process, PACRAT integrates enterprise data from multiple control, monitoring, and metering systems – this is known as "Level 5 Interoperability" and PACRAT is the first and only program that fully puts to use the volumes of data that can be obtained from building control systems, meters, and/or data loggers. This data is often ignored or lost, however it is the key to building optimization. The whisper of electrons flowing through our buildings can speak volumes – it’s time we started listening!
For additional information about PACRATTM, contact Steve Lee.