Since our inception, Facility Dynamics Engineering has been presenting training and education programs through universities, energy centers, and directly for utility organizations or large individual sites. We frequently receive requests for FDE staff to teach courses, be featured speakers, or write articles on field-based commissioning practices, building automation systems and controls, laboratory control, and automated fault detection and diagnostics. J. Jay Santos, P.E., a renowned instructor and author, teaches our DDC classes. David Sellers, P.E. is a highly sought-after teacher who presents classes and workshops at PG&E’s Pacific Energy Center and other venues. David is also the moderator and key author of a popular Cx-based blog that is used by many commissioning practitioners (see our resources page). Other FDE personnel have presented courses at national and local conferences, the Pacific Energy Center, and university-sponsored events. A complete course listing can be found under the Training Courses link on the left.
Some may ask why we teach our competitors – the answer is multi-faceted. First and foremost, we strongly believe in the importance of commissioning and improved controls knowledge for everyone participating in our field – both Owners and our practitioner colleagues. The marketplace is increasingly moving towards simpler prescriptive methods of commissioning using only checklists and inspection forms. Our concern is that an approach emphasizing experience, field skills, measurement and instrumentation, and a thorough understanding of the control systems that largely determine building operation is being lost – to the detriment of optimal building operation and efficiency. Secondly, we find training people we may end up competing against provides Owners with more opportunities to find a good commissioning provider. And finally, teaching ensures we are in touch with the latest developments in the industry and accordingly, we learn and grow from our efforts and enjoy empowering others who want to be more effective with their commissioning practice.
To learn more about our training offerings, click on the links below or see our courses list.